Sunday, April 16, 2017

 Rosie says, Happy Easter!

Day 3 -Final- April Challenge KAL

Final View of my cloth:


Day 3    You will be decreasing in the next row – simply bind off stitches, as customary.  The last stitch should be slipped back on the right needle, [this is noted in Row 1, then not included, in second bind off row…but continue the same] … then follow directions for remainder of row –

Row 1:  BIND OFF 5 st; slip last stitch back on needle;  [k 5, p5]  x5      [50 st]

Row 2:  BIND OFF 5 st;  [p 5, k 5] x 4,  p 5   [45 st]

Rows 3 and 5: knit 5, purl 5 to end of row

Rows 4 and 6:  purl 5, knit 5 to end of row

Row 1:  BIND OFF 5 st; slip last stitch back on needle; [k5, p 5] x 4   [40 st]

Row 2:  BIND OFF 5 st;  [p 5, k 5] x 3; p 5   [35 st]

Rows 3 and 5:  [k 5, p 5] x3; purl 5

Rows 4 and 6:  [p 5, k 5] x 3; purl 5

Row 1:  BIND OFF 5 st; slip last stitch back on needle; [k 5, p 5] x 3    [30 st.]

Row 2:  BIND OFF 5 st.; [p 5, k 5] x 2, purl 5    [25 st]

Rows 3 and 5:  [k 5, p 5] x 2; p 5

Rows 4 and 6:  [p 5, k 5] x2;  k 5

Row 1:  BIND OFF 5 st.; slip last stitch back on needle; [k 5, p 5] 2x    [20 st]

Row 2:  BIND OFF 5 st.;  p 5, k 5, p 5    [15 st]

Rows 3 and 5:  k 5, p 5, k 5

Rows 4 and 6:  p 5, k 5, p 5

Row 1:  BIND OFF 4 st; slip last st back on needle;  K 6, P 5    [11 st]

Row 2:  BIND OFF 4 st; p 7          [7 st]

Rows 3 and 5:  Knit

Rows 4 and 6:  Purl

Bind off.

Hope you enjoyed knitting this design – when you post a photo in your Yahoo Album, also stop by Ravelry and post it there, so Cindy [pattern-designer] can see it too!

Pattern by Cindy Moore, 2007
More of her designs are found at her blog:
and at :

DAY 2, April Challenge KAL

You may be wondering, WHAT are we knitting??!    I've been wanting to try Entralac knitting - well, this is a copy-cat version and I love it!  The designer calls it her Entra-fake!  Her site is below, if you want to see how hers worked out.   I will also post another photo of my cloth, up to this point on our knitting page.
  Let's knit!
If your stitches are started to get crowded on your needle, hang on – today we end increasing stitches!
2 views for what it looks like after today's rows:


Row 1:  [k5, p 5] x3  -- TURN – Cast on 5 st  [35 st.]  Do NOT Turn.
Row 2:  [p 5, k 5] x 3,  p 5
Row 3: [k 5, p 5]x 3,  k 5
Row 4:  [p 5, k 5] x 3,  p 5
Row 5: [k 5, p 5]x 3,  k 5
Row 6:  [p5, k 5]x3,  p 5  TURN, Cast on 5 st.  [40 stitches] Do NOT Turn
Row 1:  [k 5, p 5]x 4,  TURN, Cast on 5 st.  [45 stitches]  Do NOT Turn
Row 2:  [p 5, k 5]x 4,  p 5
Row 3:  [k 5, p 5] x 4,  k 5
Row 4:  [p 5, k 5]x 4,  p 5
Row 5:  [k 5, p 5] x 4,  k 5
Row 6:  [p 5, k 5] x 4,  p 5, TURN, Cast on 5 st [50 stitches] Do NOT Turn
Row 1:  [k 5, p 5] x 5,  TURN, Cast on 5 st [55 stitches] Do NOT Turn
Row 2:  [p 5, k 5]x 5, p 5
Row 3: [k 5, p 5] x 5,  k 5
Row 4:  [p 5, k 5]x 5, p 5
Row 5:  [k 5, p 5] x 5,  k 5
Row 6:  [p 5, k 5] x 4,  p 5  TURN
This is end of increases! – next, you will be decreasing, by binding stitches off – tomorrow, Day 3

If you want to see my cloth, up to this point:

If you want to check out the designer's finished cloth:

photo for after day 1:

Hi fellow knitters!
It’s time for the April Challenge KAL –
This will not be a typical *square cloth* –
Some things you need to know:
-          1 skein cotton yarn, [100yds] solid color recommended [color, your preference]
-          # 7 knitting needles [or your preferred needles]
What is the CHALLENGE?  Cable cast-on; turning work
-          Using the CABLE CAST-ON – you will be adding stitches within rows throughout this cloth – this cast-on is recommended, not the backwards loop -  if you are not familiar with this, you can find out about it at  - essentially, it is done like knitting your next stitch, but you put it back on your left needle, I hope that doesn’t confuse anyone—use your knitting how-to book, or check the internet
-          The pattern gives you the number of stitches that you should have on your needles every few rows, so you can check to be sure you are on target –
-          One direction in the pattern you may not be familiar with: *Turn* - now, this is not scary, it is not meant to turn yourself in contorted positions! – it simply means to *turn* your work, just as you do when you finish a row, you *turn* your work and have the other side facing you, ready to work [knit]
Okay- let’s get started!
- Cast on 7 stitches
Row 1: knit
Row 2: purl
Row 3: knit
Row 4: purl
Row 5: knit
Row 6: purl.  TURN.  Cast on 4 stitches.  [total, 11 stitches now]. Do NOT turn.
Now begins your design…
NOTE: the designer made the pattern in sections, so the row numbers will go from 1 to 6, then start over with Row 1 again.
Row 1:  K 5, P 5, K 1.  TURN.  Cast on 4 st – Do NOT turn. [15 stitches]
Row 2:  P 5, K 5, P 5.  TURN.
Row 3:  K 5, P 5, K 5. TURN.
Row 4:  P 5, K 5, P 5.  TURN.
Row 5:  K 5, P 5, K 5. TURN
Row 6:  P 5, K 5, P 5.  TURN.  Cast on 5 stitches. Do NOT Turn.  [20 stitches]
From now on, you will turn at the end of each row, as usually done in knitting, unless otherwise noted -
Row 1:  [K 5, P 5] x 2; TURN.  Cast on 5 stitches.  Do NOT Turn [25stitches]
Row 2:  [P 5, K 5] x 2, P 5
Row 3:  [K 5, P 5] x 2, K 5
Row 4:  [P 5, K 5] x 2, P 5
Row 5:  [K 5, P 5] x 2, K 5
Row 6: [ P 5, K 5] x 2, P 5.  TURN.  – Cast on 5 stitches.  Do NOT Turn. [ 30 st]
Okay – now you can see the *pattern* forming – it should look like little boxes, kind of like a checkerboard, where one square goes horizontal the other is vertical.
Happy Knitting til tomorrow!   Happy Easter !   ~ Linda
Knit How-To’s and Videos:
Info for Challenge KAL will also be at: